

Unlocking the Secrets of KYC: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Customer Due Diligence, Risk Assessment, and Compliance Measures

KYC (Know Your Customer): Making sure we know who our customers are by checking and confirming their identity. We also assess if their financial activities make sense.

AML (Anti-Money Laundering): Rules and processes to stop people from making money illegally.

CDD (Customer Due Diligence): Checking who our customers are and understanding if they might be trying to do something illegal.

PEP (Politically Exposed Person): People who hold or held important public positions, along with their family and close friends.

SDD (Simplified Due Diligence): An easier check for customers who are less likely to be involved in illegal activities.

EDD (Enhanced Due Diligence): A more detailed check for customers who may have higher risks due to factors like big transactions or connections to risky areas.

Sanctions Screening: Checking if individuals or businesses are on government lists of banned or restricted parties.

Risk Assessment: Figuring out how much risk is involved with a customer, transaction, or business relationship.

Beneficial Owner: The person who really owns or controls a company or account.

Transaction Monitoring: Keeping an eye on transactions to spot anything strange or suspicious.

Source of Funds: Where the money in a transaction or account comes from.

Source of Wealth: How someone legally earned their money or assets.

High-Risk Customers: Customers who might be more likely to do something illegal based on certain traits.

KYB (Know Your Business): Checking and confirming the identity and legitimacy of business entities.

CIP (Customer Identification Program): Steps banks take to make sure they know who’s opening an account.

Customer Risk Profiling: Sorting customers based on how much risk they might bring.

Transaction Thresholds: Set limits for transactions that make us look more closely.

Ultimate Beneficial Ownership (UBO): The person who actually benefits or controls a company.

PEP Screening: Checking to find Politically Exposed Persons for extra careful checks.

Geographic Risk: How much risk is connected to the place where customers, transactions, or businesses are, especially in areas that might be risky.

Preparing for KYC interview? Get your KYC interview preparation booklet from eStraLux – KYC interview preparation booklet

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